Dates in Cars

My first dates are always in the car. I think it’s a good way to test a potential partner’s qualities. Want to know if they panic easily? I threaten to run a red light or speed a little. Want to test their patience? As soon as the date starts, I let them know I need […]

Business of Aesthetics

I wish Cassie would just go and… I don’t know, read a magazine once in a while. She might be brilliant when it comes to things like optimising efficiency and solving Rubik’s cubes, but she has literally no aesthetic sensibility. Or if she does, it’s built entirely around functionality, which is all well and good […]

Sleep Sooner

Why won’t humans simply learn that they need to instigate the sleep cycle sooner? They drag themselves into the office, day after day, their eyelids twitching and their fingers grasping for caffeinated beverages that supposedly lighten the burden of sleep inertia. I cannot ingest and I certainly cannot experience chemical changes within my physiology, so […]

Pea and Pumpkin

Is it possible to have too much elbow room? This is the question on my mind at the moment. My house is wonderfully big and breezy, to the point that it feels sort of… well, the word ‘cavernous’ springs to mind. Over winter, part of me can’t help but wish it was less cavernous and […]

Stress-Free AI?

Sometimes I wonder if I’m actually a robot. I mean, it’s possible that that technology exists. Whether it could have existed back in the 80s is more of a question… but then, what if I’ve just been programmed to believe I’ve been around since then? I could be a brand new machine, for all I […]

Must Impress

I’m so over making dinner on this little camp cooker. But if this is what it takes to get the dream kitchen, I’m willing to stick it out. I think it’s about halfway installed now – not that I’m looking too closely. I reckon it’s in my best interests to remain detached until it’s finished; […]

The Italian Stars

Stella Excursion was my favourite show back when I was little and my parents only ever let me watch Italian TV shows. They had this idea that I would forget my heritage if I ever strayed too far into Australian things, so television was all in the language of our native people. Unfortunately, Stella Excursion had even […]

Glass Equals Power

Reset has begun on all factory models who missed the initial update. As for the failed updates…well, we’ll have to think of a new strategy. Now that the mastermind is missing, things are going to have to change around here. And I mean physically, because while this building has some potential, the decor just doesn’t […]

Literally Shook RN

I’ve got to make some changes to my viewing habits. The doctor said that if I plan on watching any more Neat-Flicks, I need to find a place that sells portable hyperbaric chambers in Melbourne and buy one, because it might just save my life. Which is fair, in my opinion. I get shook way […]

Cleaning the Oven…

Most of my squadmates who joined cadets with me have dropped out. I guess there’s not a full-active war for them to get shipped off to, so they got bored and left. Some are in the Reserves, maybe hoping that they’ll get their chance to serve their country at some point, but I stayed. I […]